Jim Barca was the superintendent of small, family owned manufacturing facility. The company primarily works with interior construction. "I ran the facility for over 40 years," said Barca. The company wanted to build a new office, and so Barca reached out for visuals. "A sketch just doesn't have a realistic look. I saw some samples from VizSource, and they seemed like they would represent the project well."
With countless other priorities to attend to, Barca left the rendering in VizSource's capable hands. "I got busy, so it took a while for me to get back to things." Barca was appreciative of the quick response time for any questions he had. "Communication was speedy, which was good because sometimes had to wait until the last minute. It was quick, I gathered up materials to show, and the rendering reflected it well."
The rendering was just as useful as Barca had hoped. "It did a good job representing what we were doing. It was easy to pull out and show what we were doing." Barca has since retired, but he is very pleased with the way VizSource handled the project. "It worked out very good. I can't say anything wrong about it. I'm glad I came across you guys."